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Luming Yang

Benefit from Luming Yang's rich background spanning 8 years in finance and data science. Her diverse expertise extends across asset management within securities, private equity funds, banks, and technology companies.

At MarketWise, Luming Yang served as the lead strategist and writer for their best-selling Chinese-market equity newsletter. She led a team of 10 and utilized her data analytics skills, product knowledge, and business sense to successfully establish MarketWise's product in a foreign culture. 

At The Washington Post, Luming has led crucial projects as part of the Business Intelligence Team. She has demonstrated her strategic vision by spearheading initiatives that have had a significant impact on the organization's bottom line, including Universal Registration Wall, Ad Strategy of International Expansion and Zeus Prebid 4.0 Integration. 

For her outstanding contributions, Luming was awarded the February Engineering Innovation Award and was formally recognized by Washington Post CEO, Fred Ryan. 

Luming has been recognized by the United Nations for her extraordinary commitment to the STEM industry; she was invited to International Day of the Girl 2022 – an event for key female influencers across industries and held by the United Nations – as an outstanding women representative and as a speaker to share her career experiences.

In her role as a mentor and judge at and Major League Hacking, Luming contributes to the growth of AI/tech industry professionals and students. She offers valuable perspectives and advice to start-up founders, helping professionals refine product strategies and navigate the inevitable challenges arise along the way.

Luming at United Nation Event

Credit to UNICC

Luming Judging Hackathon @ TechTogether New York (Left)

Credit to TechTogether and Major League Hacking

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